Ready to Protect Your Rights After a DWI

DWI Lawyer Springfield MO
- Always free consultation
- Experienced DWI attorney with 19+ years of experience
- Served over 7.500 clients
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939 N. Boonville, Suite B, Springfield, MO 65802

Why You Need a DWI Lawyer in Springfield MO
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a serious offense that suggests an individual was operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs and that your reflexes and ability to drive and make decisions are impaired.
Although in some states, DWI is considered a less serious traffic offense than DUI, that is not the case in Missouri. In this state, there is no difference between these terms; they are both used to describe the same offense. However, under Missouri DWI law, the preferred term for drunk driving is DWI.
There’s no such thing as a “minor” conviction for driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated. You’ll face much more serious consequences than you would with speeding tickets or other traffic violations.
What Is DWI?
Individuals could face DWI charges if they were operating a vehicle in an intoxicated condition, impaired by alcohol, drugs, or a controlled substance, or if they were driving a vehicle with excessive blood alcohol content. A person is considered to be driving under the influence if their blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08 percent or higher, or 0.02 or higher if they are under 21.
People usually don’t realize that DWI charges can result in severe and life-altering consequences, including the possibility of losing their driving privileges or loss of employment, even for a first offense.
In addition, a DUI conviction can stay on an individual’s driving record for up to 10 years and on their insurance record for three years, leading to increased insurance rates.
What Are Possible Penalties for a First DWI/DUI Conviction
Bear in mind that a first-time DWI is a Class B misdemeanor, and conviction can result in fines, jail time as well as license suspension.
Those convicted of a first DWI will usually have their driver’s license suspended for 30 days. After that, they may receive restricted driving privileges during which drivers must use an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) to start and drive the vehicle.
For your DUI/DWI case, you need to reach out to a DWI defense attorney as soon as possible. An experienced criminal defense attorney will assess your case and prepare a DUI defense to help you achieve the best possible outcome and even avoid jail time. Don’t leave your fate in the hands of criminal defense attorneys with no background in DWI and DUI law.
If you are looking for an experienced Springfield MO DWI attorney, visit us today or give us a call. Our DUI defense lawyers are dedicated to helping those facing the criminal justice system.

How a DWI Attorney Springfield MO Could Help
Even your first Springfield DWI offense can lead to serious consequences and a tough court case. You’ll have to face both the criminal court system and Missouri’s Department of Revenue.
The Missouri Department of Revenue controls the rights of a defendant’s driver’s license. If you’re found guilty of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol in Southwest Missouri, the state will strip you of your motor vehicle privileges.
The state will begin its case against you immediately following your arrest. Before your driving privileges are suspended, it’s vital to assert your constitutional rights. You must start building your defense alongside a professional DUI/DWI attorney in Springfield, MO.
An experienced DWI attorney in Dallas county, with expertise in dealing with alcohol offenses and criminal defense cases, can help you protect your rights against the charges. By maintaining a perfect attorney-client relationship, they will help you throughout the legal process of alcohol-related driving offenses and help you avoid driver’s license suspension.

Best DWI Lawyer in Springfield MO
Being convicted of drunk driving will impact your life for years to come. It can lead to loss of employment and a whole other slew of continued legal issues. In Greene County, your DWI conviction may remain on your record no less than five years and up to ten. Your insurance will have your DWI arrest case on record for three years.
We would highly recommend reaching out to our firm for a free consultation on your case. Standing among the top DUI lawyers in Springfield, MO, we have years of experience with these complicated laws and provide our services all around Christian County, Lawrence County, Taney County, Polk County, Webster County, Stone County, and nearby areas.
Choosing the Right Springfield, MO, DWI Attorney
Your case can change based solely on factors like blood alcohol content (BAC) limit, if you were on additional substances, etc. The DWI attorneys in our law office have fought and won cases where our clients were beyond the BAC limit and even cases where clients tested positive for drugs.
DWI cases aren’t as black and white as the prosecution makes them out to be. Your criminal case could be dismissed depending on the actions law enforcement took when you were arrested. If you choose to work with us, our dedicated DWI attorneys in Springfield, MO, will examine every angle to protect your future.
Furthermore, our attorneys are well-versed in dealing with other traffic offenses and criminal cases other than felony DWI, alcohol-related offenses, traffic tickets, personal injury, and expungement of a criminal record under Missouri Law. In all cases, we help with legal representation and provide complete support against criminal charges.
So, if you are dealing with a DWI charge, speeding ticket, or a similar legal issue, give us a call for a free case review to assess your legal options.

How to Find The Best DWI Defense Lawyer?
Although when you get into a serious offense related to traffic law violation, you do not remain with time in your pocket to be picky with the attorney selection. The overall process is fast because of strict laws in Springfield, Missouri. However, there are some factors that you should definitely consider before proceeding.
1- Professional Experience
Before entrusting your case to a lawyer, you must ensure that the attorney has relevant skills and experience. A skilled DWI defense attorney with experience in related practice areas, i.e., DUI offense, traffic ticket, record expungement, and other felony cases, would be ideal for helping you protect your rights.
2- Knowledge & Availability
Although expertise in the same area from different regions will sound marvelous on the resume of an attorney, to protect your rights in the Missouri Department, you must need an attorney who understands the ins and outs of the region you are living in.
Moreover, the lawyer should be available to deal with your case, visit court hearings, negotiate with prosecutors and do the necessary research and work on crafting a defense strategy.
3- Affordable
Being caught in a DWI offense doesn’t mean that you have to pay everything you have to protect your rights in DWI court. Your lawyer should be affordable for you to deal with everything at ease.

The Importance of Hiring a Good DWI Attorney
Choosing a good DUI lawyer in Springfield, Missouri, is an important decision you should not take lightly. Without proper representation, you’re more likely to face a felony charge that may include:
- 480 hours of community service
- Ten-year license loss
- Random alcohol and drug testing
- A damaged record for life
Our county takes these laws seriously. Thankfully, DUI laws are one of our practice areas. We value your future and want to protect it.
The best lawyers will help you assess available legal options, craft a defense strategy based on unique facts of your case and represent your case in court. Moreover, they will also handle the plea bargain with the prosecutor and help you protect your rights against traffic violation charges.

Seek Legal Advice from Criminal Defense Lawyers
A DWI in Missouri is not something you should take lightly. DWI/DUI is more than just a traffic offense – it’s a serious crime for which individuals will need knowledgeable Springfield DWI lawyers on their side for the best possible defense.
Get an attorney in Springfield, Missouri, that you can count on. Our law firm has offices in both Ozarks and Springfield, Missouri, and our experienced attorney is more than willing to walk you through the entire process.
Fill out our contact form or call our law firm today for a free consultation regarding your case. Our attorneys in Springfield, MO, take personal care to provide the best defense for your case. Call today!