Common Traffic Violations in Missouri

Ozarks DWI Law Clinic’s Attorneys in Missouri
Missouri’s most common traffic violation is driving while intoxicated (DWI). Every day, cases of DWI are reported in the US generally. In Missouri, a drunk driving conviction can cost you up to $1000, six months in jail, or three months’ suspension of your driving license.
If you commit a traffic violation, there are several ways to handle it. If you receive a ticket for a traffic violation in Missouri, you’ll need an attorney to help you keep your driving record clean.
Every traffic violation has a ticket. There are two types of traffic tickets: moving violations and non-moving violations. A skilled DWI lawyer in Rogersville, MO, can guide you through both types of violations.

What Are Minor Traffic Violations in Missouri?
Minor traffic violations in Missouri are defined under Section 479.350 RSM. They include traffic ordinance violations that do not involve an injury or accident and do not involve the operation of a commercial vehicle (commercial drivers).
Typically, you cannot be arrested for minor traffic offenses. Instead, you get a traffic ticket from the traffic officer, which involves appearing in court and paying a fine. You pay the fine once you admit the responsibility.
Examples of minor Missouri traffic offenses are:
Driving without a valid driving license
Exceeding the maximum speed limit of your vehicle class
Blocking the traffic
Ignoring stop signs or running a red light
Failure to wear a seat belt

What Are Non-Moving Violations in Missouri?
A non-moving violation in Missouri is a traffic violation that don’t depend on how the vehicle is being driven – these are violations that occur when it is stationary. Non-moving violations are minor, resulting in smaller fines than moving violations.
Additionally, non-moving violations don’t accumulate demerit points on your driving record compared to moving violations. Examples of non-moving violations in Missouri are:
Possession of an unregistered motor vehicle with the Department of Revenue
Exchanging of vehicle plates
Using expired motor vehicle plates
A car having studded tires between April 1 and November 1
Muffler noise that is excessive
Having your car parked too close to a fire hydrant or too far away from the curb
Not having vehicle insurance coverage
Failure to correctly display vehicle license plates
Failed brake lights and indicators

Are Traffic Violations a Crime?
Minor violations are considered civil offenses or infractions. However, severe and significant violations can be regarded as crimes, and harsh punishment may follow. Examples of violations that can be considered crimes are:
- Driving under the influence of drugs (DUI)
- Driving from the accident scene (hit-and-run)
- Reckless driving, thus endangering other people’s lives
- Driving with a suspended license
- Unpaid traffic tickets for driving
What Violation Carries the Most Points Against Your License?
A point system is used to determine whether a driver’s license privilege will be suspended or revoked in the state of Missouri. Points will be added to your license for traffic violations.
If you accumulate four points in a year, the Department of Revenue sends you a point accumulation advisory letter.
Getting 8 or more points in 18 months will result in your driving privilege being suspended. The suspension periods range as follows:
First suspension: 30 days
Second suspension: 60 days
Third suspension: 90 days
The Department of Revenue will revoke your driving privileges for 1 year if you accumulate the following points:
12 points in 12 months
18 points in 24 months
24 points in 36 months

Checking for Traffic Violations in Missouri
Missouri state has a website ( It’s a searchable database you can use to check your traffic tickets and driving record. The platform also allows you to check court dates and other information.
Missouri Traffic Violations: How Long Are They On Your Record?
A Missouri driver’s license points remain on the record for three years. Fortunately, the points are reduced every year you drive without accumulating new points.
One year: Reduced by one-third
Two years: Reduced by one-half
Three years: Reduced to zero
Keeping your driving license clean without waiting three years is possible with the help of a DWI attorney in Ozark.

Which Is the Most Common Traffic Ticket in Missouri?
Below are some common tickets in Missouri:
Speeding Ticket
When you receive a speeding ticket, you can either plead guilty and pay for it or hire an attorney and appear in court to plead not guilty. You can reduce the fines associated with speeding tickets by hiring a traffic ticket attorney.
Ticket for Running a Red Light
In Missouri, a ticket for running a red light is a Class C misdemeanor. You can attract a fine of $99 and earn 1 point on your license.
Following Too Closely
An accident caused by reckless driving or following too closely is classified under Class A misdemeanor. You can serve one year in jail or pay a $1000 fine.
Drunk Driving (DWI)
Under Missouri law, driving under the influence is a Class B misdemeanor. You can serve time in jail or pay a fine of up to $1000. DUI is a serious offense because you risk other road users’ lives.
Wrong-Way Ticket
When you drive the wrong way on a one-way road, penalties and consequences can amount to a $150 fine and up to one year in jail.

Contact Ozarks DWI Law Clinic for the Right Attorneys
To avoid penalties and to maintain a clean driving record if you have recently been charged with drunk driving or another traffic violation, you need to hire a DWI defense lawyer for quality representation.
Getting started with your Missouri traffic citation defense can be done by contacting a DWI lawyer in Springfield, MO, today!